You Will Make Less Than Normal Wages For A While
If you got into entrepreneurship first and foremost for the money, then you are in the wrong business. Sure you may one day sell your company, but that day is probably far far away. Even then, there are usually earn out clauses, vesting still in tact, and a whole lot more. Even if you raise a good chunk of cash, your money is better spent on hiring the best talent than paying yourself a higher wage. There's nothing wrong wanting to make money, but in the beginning it's going to be rough. You will make less than most of your friends, especially the ones doing the "normal" paths of things like finance. It's a litmus test in its finest form though. If you truly love what you're doing, the capacity to have a large bank account takes a back burner to completing your mission. Sure you need some basic creature comforts, but luxury items almost seem silly as you will not have the time to truly enjoy them.